Impact And Expectations Of An OMDP

The Impact
  • Offers a memorable learning experience.
  • Helps leave behind the comforts and take on a voyage of adventure, challenge, and the discovery within.
  • Enhances strengths through accomplishments.
  • Helps gain insight through the challenge.
  • Helps build lasting friendships / relationships through the support received and through the joy, the love of life.
Expected from an OMDP

Outdoor Management Development Programmes are about real people, real experiences and real consequences. The nature of the programmes can be open-ended and can address individual training needs. An individual is physically, mentally, emotionally and socially engaged in the programme. It helps overcoming personal fears, broadening horizons and making insightful connections. The ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ of the experiences through various activities and group review sessions facilitate learning. It offers a great opportunity to reflect, introspect, challenge, redefine and generate new meanings. The combination of challenge in a natural and unique ambience combined with reflection and a meaning making process helps in long-term retention of the learning.